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What should I do? Does he like? *10 POINTS*? - Printable Version

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What should I do? Does he like? *10 POINTS*? - 352 - 05-25-2014 04:34 AM

We're both sophomores in high school and have one class together. I'm pretty sure he likes me from the things he does and stuff :3 if a guy likes you will he message/text you first? Back in January I added him on fb and he accepted. The next day I messaged him and it was going good. Although he just randomly goes offline. It's a thing he always does lol. Why do you think he does it? And one time he messaged me first but he sent me a emoji of crap, literally, and that's it. I was just being playful, I was like "is that supposed to be you?" that was months ago and i dont even think he remembers, but could that be why he wont message me first. He's scared? I see him online often but he doesnt budge. Oh but after that incident, way later (like last month) i messaged him and we talked. and then i sent a message and he never replied, he never even saw the message. Should i message him again? Or if he liked me he would at least click on my name and see the message, no? it's so confusing, sorry it's long, but please help!? Any advice? Much appreciated! Smile

- Tanqueray - 05-25-2014 04:34 AM

Never chase a guy.let him come to you if he likes you.busy yourself with positive activities not on him.