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Are drug and alcohol counselors allowed to talk about clients on facebook? - Printable Version

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Are drug and alcohol counselors allowed to talk about clients on facebook? - Not Sure - 05-25-2014 06:38 AM

I know of a Counselor who constantly writing on her facebook page about her clients. Just yesterday she said she met the nicest drug dealer, and then she went on to say in her comments how he is the worst kind because he is a dealer and a user.. and also how he is from Virginia. She didn't give out his name, but I think that is enough information to not be appropriate. She does this constantly, about her clients. Am I the only one who thinks this is a violation of HIPPA in some form ? I wonder if I should report her. I understand if the job is so stressful that she needs to vent, but venting and saying personal details, seems wrong to me. What do you think ? I know I wouldn't want my counselor who I trust to be talking about me in any way whatsoever, outside of the office. It just seems wrong to me, and inappropriate.
How would I report her ? Because she has been doing this for awhile, and when I talked to her about it, she said that she was not violating anything. That she blocks people from reading what she writes...... but still...... I feel its so wrong, and such a violation of trust to say anything outside of the room. It makes me sick.

- Milda - 05-25-2014 06:45 AM

you can report that type of stuff. I think that is wrong and I think she can get in very big trouble about that because they are suppose to be committed on not saying anything because that type of stuff stays between the drug dealer and the counselor.

- OneDrop - 05-25-2014 06:46 AM

No personal information was posted, he could be anyone, last time I checked Virginia had a population of about 8 million.

Don't worry about it, no wonder she blocked you

- Irish Martyr. - 05-25-2014 06:47 AM

Counsellors,when they give talks to new clients and open events,often comment on some of their clients,highlighting both the good and the bad points of their case.But providing that they don't divulge personal information (or any info. that would allow their identity to be known) then they are well within their guidelines.
However it would not be nice for that person from Virginia to see his Counsellor speaking about him in that manner and he probably would be able to file some form of complaint,because it is unlikely that he would have given her permission to speak about him in that way.I do not agree with Counsellors using Twitter or Facebook to comment on some of their clients history because I believe this to be unprofessional.But that is the modern age and sometimes you just have to accept it.

- irving snotpocket - 05-25-2014 07:03 AM

That is WAY unethical. She is also breaking the law if she reveals info that would allow anyone to figure out whom she is talking about (for instance, other drug dealers or buyers who would recognize whom she is describing).

A) Call her supervisor.

B) Report her to the professional organization she belongs to (APA in the USA)

C) Report her to the State who licenses her!

D) Retain an attorney if she is YOUR counselor!!!

Yes, she can vent, but there are healthy ways to vent which do not break the laws, do not tear down client trust, and do not break her field's code of ethics. Additionally, she just endangered her clients. It is very much against her code of ethics if she is venting in a manner which potential clients can become aware of.