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Would this be the perfect bicycle for Old Hippie? - Printable Version

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Would this be the perfect bicycle for Old Hippie? - 748 - 05-25-2014 11:46 AM

- Old Hippie - 05-25-2014 12:01 PM

Opinions are like @ss holes. Everybody has one. Who might have two or three.

This is the "perfect bike" (pictured below) for Old Hippie. That's why I did my research first - test rode it - compared it to others - and bought it. Grow up. I honestly thought you were better than trolling. Guess I was wrong.

- John M - 05-25-2014 12:11 PM

You should be in the motorized section.

- mt75689 - 05-25-2014 12:22 PM

Lol! Sadly Old Hippie has no sense of humor. He takes himself WAY too seriously.

That bike in the video is crazy ~ and the rider is even crazier. No helmet, no protective gear, and flying down the road on a rickety bike with flames shooting out the back. This guy is lucky he didn't crash and burn. Literally!

- David D. - 05-25-2014 12:28 PM

The trolls are multiplying. Are you by chance the father (legitimate or not) of that pigeon fellow?

- Jib Jab - 05-25-2014 12:39 PM

LandRiderJerry, here's the perfect bike for you.

- WleAtl-2 - 05-25-2014 12:52 PM

a whatevs
b no

- Alex - 05-25-2014 12:54 PM

Nice bike hippy. However, the rocket version would at least stop tailgaters.
