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Sorry its long: how can i not loose my fb (facebook) and earn my dads trust back? - Printable Version

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Sorry its long: how can i not loose my fb (facebook) and earn my dads trust back? - 956 - 05-25-2014 12:30 PM

i really didnt want to post this in this section but i wanna know what yall have to say
sorry for it bein long
ok so im in this fb drama
i added my parents friends (some of em that i like and worst mistake ever) and i guess theyve been watchin my on fb bc my dad came to me sayin that he doesnt like what ive been postin on there. well b4 christmas ive been postin explicit nasty songs and cussin all the time on there. then i got in trouble bc my mom saw a pic of my on top of one of my friends (not friends with anymore) whose 18 and so i got my phone taken away and my fb deactivated. well when i got my phone back i reactivated my fb. well my dad told me to delete it but instead i deactivated it instead. so when i reactivated it i started watchin what ive been sayin on fb and postin. then i got my phone taken away again and then got it back after 2weeks. my dad still didnt know bout me reactivating my fb. well my parents found out that ive kinda been hangin out with ppl who have been gettin in trouble with the law (tlk to them not actually hang out) and my dad was disappointed in me. and i told him that i stop hangin out with em. never stopped. well yesturday my dad asked me if i was on fb and how am i getttin on and who (lets call him bob) Bob was? i said a stupid idiot that i dotn hang out with nor tlk to anymore. and trust me u dont have to worry bout him bc one of his friends messaged me on fb and told me tht he was in jail and ive reactivated my fb on my sisters laptop and i never deleteed it and i was on it lastnight which is why my ipod died and u need wifi to get on it and the moose has wifi. my dad was like Krystal dont know if i can trust u anymore, i dont want u to get hurt (raped) ( most of the ppl are guys 15, and tht one 18) nor gettin caught up in tht mess. so i got my phone taken away again!
the thing is that im hardly ever on fb and after christmas i started watchin what ive been postin on fb and one of my friends went on my wall and even said that i havent posted anythin bad. and when i go on there b4 i get off i send sum1 a message and reply from my yahoo account.
the ppl tht get in trouble with the law are 15 (well one is rlly bad, the other two arent) and like i said tht 18y/o i dont tlk to anymore. hes in jail. idky but i like to hang out with tht kind of crowd bc theyre not borin like some of my other friends are. me and the 15y/os go to the mall sometimes (i bring my bff,girl) and hang out and they dont get in trouble at the mall its mainly at night when they get in trouble. that one 15 y/o is rlly bad. hes one of my buddies. i care bout him. tbh hes like my bro-kinda. he makes the wrong choices and grew up with a terrible life i guess.
im gettin good grades in school. and i want to tell my dad tht if i keep hangin out with them that i will keep gettin good grades. (been hangin out with em for almost 4mnths) i have A's B's and C's, nuthin below C. imma good kid i just want to pick who my friends are
im 15, i dont wanna loose my facebook and i wanna earn my dads trust back!
-i told my dad tht if i delete all the bad kids on fb if i can keep it. he said that he'll see which prolly means no Sad
i gotta delete people on there anyways lol

any advice that i can do to MAINLY earn my dads trust back and not loose facebook?

------------------please dont judge or rude comments---------------------

~thank you~
tbh when they get into trouble i will walk away then meet up with them sumwhere else.
and i havent hung out with them in 2mnths. theyre rlly cool to hang out with.
i just wish i can hang out with the ppl tht i want to hang out with.

damn i cant wait til i turn 16 so i can go where i want to go and hang out with who i want to hang out with!! 4 almost 3 more months!!!
btw imma daddys girl ~ you can tell bc i didnt say mom

- TaDaa! - 05-25-2014 12:33 PM

how to earn your dad's trust back? Delete your account, not just deactivate it, like what he has been telling you to do for a while now. Then stop hanging around with people who tend to get into trouble even if they aren't boring like your other friends. I know that sucks but that's the only way to earn your dad's trust.

Your dad doesn't trust those friends who get into trouble, so if you continue to hang around them, he knows that sooner or later you'll get into trouble too. I know you say you won't but like you said, they're not boring. Most likely they're doing stuff that they shouldn't be doing, that's why it's not boring and that's why they get into trouble.

- wild_man_chris2000 - 05-25-2014 12:36 PM

"UNfriend" all the friends of your parents immediately and then stay off fb till it all blows over!

To earn your dad's trust every month show him all your friends of fb, voluntarily, letting him know his trust means alot to you

- concerned - 05-25-2014 12:50 PM

Your dad loves you and wants the best for you. He will be there for you longer than any of the trouble-maker friends will be. That seems to be a relationship WORTH working on, and sacrificing "fun" for. Nothing worse than the feeling of ..."wish I would have listened to my dad" when things go wrong because of not listening to good advice. Good luck.