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Connecting to internet problem, please help!? - Printable Version

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Connecting to internet problem, please help!? - PITA - 05-25-2014 02:20 PM

I got a new PC and I installed windows xp, audio drivers and video drivers, but I got stuck at the internet part. In device manager, when I go to view hidden devices it shows the network adapters without any errors, but the Ethernet Controller, PCI Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Controller, SM Bus Controller and Unknown Device, in the Other devices tab have yellow question marks with exclamation marks on them. I tryed the manufacturer site, downloaded the drivers from another computer with internet connection but they were not exe files so I search and find the updating driver method but but the upater couldn't find the files. I also tryed to enable LAN in bios but it was already enabled, Another thing would be that there is no LAN icon in the Network Connections folder, I tryed to make it manualy but it sayd that its already configured. Please help me! I dont know what to do anymore.
I have a PC not laptop, its a fujitsu siemens esprimo p5915 intel dual core, with a removable video card for wich i have the CD and installed the drivers. My only problem is with the internet conection drivers and that there is no local area connection in the network connections folder.
I also have a wireless router if that helps with something, i connected it to the pc and it wont even let me go to his ip to configure it, luckly I have a tablet that i could use to configure the router by going to the router ip. On the old pc this problem was solved by installing the nvidia nforce drivers witch contained the drivers i needed but now it wont even start the instalation, could this be a problem with the famework 4 that i have, maibe it needs frame work 2 or 3, oh and also i have service pack 3 if that helps.

- Dominic - 05-25-2014 02:33 PM

Posting the brand and exact model number would help immensely. It sounds like it's missing some critical chipset drivers. Without them it won't be able to go online.

– Dominic

- tlworkroom - 05-25-2014 02:37 PM

Gee, I'm actually writing this on my own little notebook that I reinstalled XP on last night, and I"m at library downloading the necessary updates!! Talk about coincidences.

The important thing is once you've gotten the fresh install of XP in, is to make sure the drivers are installed correctly. There are about 5 or 6 that you need to make sure you have.

First one I do is the wireless driver, then I can get online thru wifi.
Same will do for the modem driver.
then a sound card driver
then a graphics driver.
then a chipset driver (not sure what they mean by 'chipset')

YOu didn't say what brand of laptop you have. Usually, you can find the drivers at the brand's website. IN your search engine (google, bing, etc) just type in brand of laptop, model of laptop, and kind of driver you need. It will get you to where the company has listed all the drivers you need.

What I do sometimes, is to find the wifi driver and/or modem driver from other computer, on flash drive, and install off the flash drive into the newly installed computer.
Then once you have that installed, get online with new comp and goto, a great site where you can get all kinds of FREE programs for your needs.
Download SLIMDRIVER (make sure it's the free version), and let it do its work. It will search for the most up to date drivers for your system. But you don't always need everything what it says.
It will search for most up to date, but you don't always need most up to date. So make your choices carefully. Then when you have what you need, you can always delete the Slim Driver program out of computer, because it'll drive you nuts trying to get you to scan and get more drivers.
Another thing you've got to be aware of is to download the proper windows updates to make the compuer work. There' s a certain order to do them, and you've just got to take the many hours to get it done.

Good luck.

- Emranul Haque - 05-25-2014 02:53 PM

Thank you for available question

Connecting to Internet having many problems

1. Server Problem
2. Networking Problem
3. Modem hardware problem
4. Connection Problem

Server Networking Problem is a mainly problem of internet. it causes disconnected of internet because it is not found Network of cable.

Modem hardware is another causes of internet problem.It can be damage by many ways. so it causes Network problem.

Connection being fail because it can not be found any network. You will connection an connect area you will be used Internet.

Your will used internet on that rules

Thank you