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My Google Chrome Desktop Application keeps freezing when downloading/uploading? - Printable Version

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My Google Chrome Desktop Application keeps freezing when downloading/uploading? - 785 - 05-25-2014 02:32 PM

For the past 12 hours whenever I have tried downloading or uploading files/photos from Windows Explorer to/from Google Chrome, the program has frozen. For example, I attempt to download a picture on Chrome, I click Save As, and the window opens up with Explorer location options, or at least it attempts to. Usually it opens the window and then freezes, saying 'Not Responding', whilst sometimes it will find one of my last folders before freezing. I have uninstalled Chrome and it has not had much of an effect. I have also logged out of my Google account and created a new account after a fresh reinstall and the affects are still there, although with the latter situation my bookmarks transferred from my first account to the new one I created. Perhaps there is an issue there, but I do not know how/why there would be and how to deal with it. If you need more information, ask and I will attempt to post more details to give a clearer picture.

- aileen - 05-25-2014 02:45 PM

Your Google Chrome might be corrupted and you have not fully deleted it from your computer. And then re-install the latest version of Google Chrome.
Thus, if you don't know how to completely delete Google Chrome, you could follow its removal guides below.
1. Go to the Safe Mode of Windows and end all processes related to Chrome in Task Manager
2. Download and use Chrome uninstall tool like Perfect Uninstaller
3. Find the Chrome icon on the currently installed programs list and click "Uninstall" button to delete the program.
After you finish the prompt steps, Chrome has been successfully removed from your computer. And then, you should re-install it. And it will work well again.

Meanwhile, you could learn the step-by-step Chrome removal guides in the video below:

- Boss - 05-25-2014 02:51 PM

Fix: Google Chrome Freezing or Crashing on Windows 7 | 8 computer
Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers these days, due to low foot-print and good performance. But there may be times when you find that your Chrome browser crashes or freezes randomly on your Windows 8 or Windows 7 computer, while browsing, opening a tab, loading a page or downloading. This can be really annoying at times!

Chrome Freezes or Crashes
In this tutorial I will suggest you a few tips on how to go about trying to resolve this issue.

chromecorruptedlocalstate thumb Fix: Google Chrome Freezing or Crashing on Windows 7 | 8 computer

1) First of all delete the Local State file which holds some of the Custom Settings, and see if it helps you. To delete the Local State file, follow these steps:

image thumb Fix: Google Chrome Freezing or Crashing on Windows 7 | 8 computer

Close Google Chrome
Open Windows Explorer
In address bar type in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
You’ll find “Local State” file there. Delete it
Open Google Chrome and see if has helped.
2) You could also try the following!

Rename the Default folder which has all the Google extensions, Bookmarks, History, Jumplist icons etc. The reason why we are renaming it is because if it’s not the cause of the random freezes and crashes, then we don’t have to lose all this information.

To rename the Default folder, follow these steps:

image thumb1 Fix: Google Chrome Freezing or Crashing on Windows 7 | 8 computer

Close Google Chrome
Open Windows Explorer
In address bar type in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
You’ll find the Default folder here. Rename it to “Default.old”
Open Google Chrome and see if this has helped stop the crashes.
3) You might also want to checkout if the Flash extension is the culprit and causing the crashes, and see if it helps. To do so, follow these steps:

image thumb2 Fix: Google Chrome Freezing or Crashing on Windows 7 | 8 computer

Open Google Chrome
In the address bar type in “about:plugins”
Find “Flash” and click on Disable
Restart Google Chrome and test it now
If it helps, then uninstall Flash from the Program and Feature and reinstall it. To reinstall Flash, you may follow this guide on Adobe.

4) Check if your Google Chrome Shockwave Plugin is creating problems. Find & Disable Power-Hungry Extensions in Chrome using Chrome Task Manager.

5) Well, if none of these steps help you, you might have to consider reinstalling your Google Chrome browser. To do so:

Go to Programs and Features and Uninstall Google Chrome
Then open explorer.exe and go to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\
Delete “Google” folder
Download Google Chrome and install it again.
This should help! If it doesn’t, you may want to reset Chrome settings.