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Posting my logo on FB without actually having it trademarked..? - Printable Version

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Posting my logo on FB without actually having it trademarked..? - ladyluvbug - 05-25-2014 02:53 PM

Created an fb page for my craft business and I've also come up with a logo for it. Im worried about someone copying/stealing my logo for their own use. However trademarking is kinda pricey. Any advice on this? I just want to know if the page being created by me is enough to protect me if something should go wrong.

..OR is there a way to unofficially trademark it?

- bcnu - 05-25-2014 03:06 PM

"Kinda pricey"? In the USA, trademark is free.

Once you become the first to use your distinctive logo as your brand on your goods or services in commerce, you automatically earn "priority" over others who later attempt to use a confusingly similar brand on their goods or services. That's the law in the USA, Canada, UK and a few other countries.

You can enforce your non-registered US trademark rights in state or federal courts.

However, you may optionally register your brand in one or more US states ($40 to $200) or in the federal USPTO ($300 and up). This will give you official documentation of ownership, your claim of priority date, the types of goods or services you are using it for, and your contact information. Once you file, the USPTO will automatically suspend or reject other applications that could be confusingly similar to yours.

If you are not already using it as a brand on your goods or services, you can still file a federal application for priority under the filing basis of "bona fide intent to use" the brand. That will give you three or more years in which to bring your goods to market and submit proof for the USPTO, and you get your registration issued shortly thereafter.