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Can I incorporate Facebook Comments on my blog? - Printable Version

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Can I incorporate Facebook Comments on my blog? - Sella Rafaeli - 05-25-2014 04:58 PM

I have a blog - hosted at (which means I can't just use any plugins I want).

I am using the "publicize" feature to immediately update links to any new post in a new Facebook status (in my FB account). Is there any way to:
a. Let comments on each status appear as comments to the blog?
b. Incorporate Facebook-Connect into wordpress.COM and allow people to comment using their FB ID?
c. Do anything else that will allow people to use their FB ID to comment on my blog?

I have checked the wordpress forums and have found no answer to these questions - thanks a lot in advance!

- davidbain - 05-25-2014 05:02 PM

I have an answer to # C. If you check out this is a easy way that will allow people using Facebook login to comment on your site. ^DB