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Chrome Homepage keeps changing automatically? - Printable Version

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Chrome Homepage keeps changing automatically? - 775 - 05-25-2014 06:32 PM

I set my homepage in Google Chome to the Google website and for some reason whenever I exit out of my browser and later reopen it the homepage is set to this site:​Qfej4G4CfCh76MD8K7M91HAjbcBEAEgAFCAx-HEBGDJxrOH3KOUEYIBF2NhLXB1Yi0wMjY5Nzk0MDIyODExNjI2oAGM97n0A8gBCagDAaoEa0_Q05Cf4R​XV1DmFNpn1HiyiywrJZsvReEYoDBjB_O5ONEPrK8yluY9ges1Og6yFJa5zCpyTPBTeAbAA_oHDk2nKnH​VcjzicBgvtp7lOfnabyWHZRsfj0eu94R54g2HKWRNKz0Up9qgwrO7NgAbjn43rhL-kmrgBoAYh%26num%3D1%26sig%3DAOD64_2szr71dECu8oO_hkU2-qSNrSRiHw%26client%3Dca-pub-0269794022811626%26adurl%3D/url/

I'd like to know if there's a way I can stop this from happening and I don't even know how searcylaw got onto my computer to begin with :/

Basically, where did this come from? and how do I remove it/ stop it from changing things in my browser?

- 2Skool4Kool - 05-25-2014 06:37 PM

It may be that you installed an app/extension onto Chrome that set your preferences to a search engine produced by or favored by the creators of the product. Try deleting all apps and extensions and check if it still does it.

- Roger - 05-25-2014 06:39 PM

You have been infected with a web hijacker, download and run malwarebytes‎ to remove the hijacker then reset your homepage back to whatever you want

- Jim - 05-25-2014 06:49 PM

You run this risk anytime you install a program - it doesn't have to be an extension of Chrome for this to happen.

When you install a program, NEVER use the "Express" or "Typical" option - always use the "Custom" option. This is the only way you can prevent an installer from also installing headache-ware such as this.

If it doesn't offer a "Custom" installation option, pay attention while installing. Never let it install anything you don't actually want.

- Thomas - 05-25-2014 07:04 PM

Never let it install anything you don't actually want.