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I'm going to spend 15 years in school.? - Printable Version

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I'm going to spend 15 years in school.? - bc - 05-25-2014 07:50 PM

I have been told I'm the dumbest human being . I don't want people to look at me like I have a low I.Q and no intelligence . I could go on but I'll end there . I'm pledging 15-20 years in school [ sounds insane but admittedly remarkable both at once ] , and I want to get my B.A , Masters , and I'll go to college as well . I don't care about the debt accumulation . That's the least of my concern . I'll pay it back .

Here's the school list;

1) Social Sciences
2) Political sciences
3) Anthropology
4) Television Broadcasting
5) Social Media
6) Theatre
7) Marketing Management
8) Journalism
9) Economics

That's it for now.

Thoughts? And please be serious and helpful . No sarcasm or insulting commentary . This is also not a phase or stage . It's an experience . I'm a twenty something male.

- john - 05-25-2014 07:53 PM


- Honest - 05-25-2014 07:58 PM

At present education expense if only six of your fifteen years of education
are at a first class institution any student loans just for that portion are
unlikely to be fully repaid in your remaining full-time employment years.
Nor was new hire employment security mentioned. Old Irish had a saying:
'Your cart is in front of the horse'.

- Smileyface - 05-25-2014 07:59 PM

Your dream is not based on reality nor specific information. I suggest you find this information. Asking here is not the best place. With you list you are looking at 50 years of schooling, a lifetime. Just not possible to do.

- ooooo - 05-25-2014 08:06 PM

There are plenty of good reasons to get a degree, but it's an expensive (and not very effective) way to prove a point. I'm sorry to hear someone called you dumb and that it has caused you to worry about other people's perception of your intelligence. They're wrong, and their opinion doesn't matter. The problem is, you could get all the degrees you want and those bullies would not show you any more respect for it; they'll still do everything they can to make you doubt yourself because they're miserable people. If you want to go back to school because you enjoy learning and/or want to get a better job that requires a degree, go for it, but if those reasons don't figure into your motivation, I'd take a step back, focus on what you know you're good at, and try to work through your fear of appearing unintelligent. And stop hanging out with whoever said that to you.

As far as lifelong learning goes, you might consider getting just one degree and then getting a staff (non-teaching) job at a college/university. Many allow full-time staff to take a class or two every semester for free, and you may apply those credits toward an additional degree.