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Facebook or google chrome messed up with Flash Player? - Printable Version

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Facebook or google chrome messed up with Flash Player? - Drew - 05-25-2014 08:54 PM

When I go to click to play somebody's video on Facebook, it says "FLASH PLAYER UPGRADE REQUIRED. You must download and install the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player to view this content. 'Get Flash Player (button)'" However when I go to click on the get flash player button, it takes me to the adobe site and says ..
"Your Google Chrome browser already includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available."

this is soo dumb! Facebook says that I don't have the update and I need it, however the Adobe site says I do and that Chrome updates it automatically! Whats wrong here?!?

- Pulsar - 05-25-2014 09:02 PM

Let me tell you somthing about google chrome.

Google chrome is
one big piece of google spyware.

5 seconds after launch it calls home,
then it starts reporting back to google analytic's
information about every website you visit
and what you did while you were there.

a unique number is created when you first use google chrome
that is used to identify you personally over the internet.

all of this info about you is made available to anybody that requires it.
advertisers mostly use this info to target you personally
with ads based on the type of sites you visit.

Stop using google chrome.

try SRWare iron >
it is a chrome browser without the (legal) google spyware.
it seems to be even faster when you use the built in ad blocker.

or use Comodo dragon >
