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How do I get rid of conduit search from my Chrome browser? - Printable Version

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How do I get rid of conduit search from my Chrome browser? - 670 - 05-25-2014 10:30 PM

It only goes to search.conduit when I open Chrome. It doesn't do it when I open a new tab. I went to settings and it still says google is my homepage. It's very annoying, please help.

- 232 - 05-25-2014 10:45 PM

On Google Chrome, how to remove search pest
First go to start, control panel, Programs and features
and see if's there, If it is remove it. Then try this.
Note: First click on the 3 little bars, top right side.
click tools
click extensions
If it's listed in your extensions, click on the trash can,and delete it.

Next step
1. Click on the wrench, or 3 little bars icon (upper right corner). Choose Settings.
2. At On start up: Open a specific page or set of pages.
3. Click Set pages. if your home page is not there. Type it in.
4. Next under Search in the same window, click on Manage search engines. Find The search pest and delete it. (Condruit)
(Note) If the X don't show, then it's probably because it's selected as the default search engine. Hover over Google and click default to Make Google your default search engine.
then you can delete all the others. There are also other pest, and you can rid them the same way.