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Does she like me back? - Printable Version

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Does she like me back? - 475 - 05-26-2014 12:58 AM

So there is one girl in my school(im 16) she has same subject as i have(once a week) and i havr feeling she likes me.On hallway we meet rarely cus she is in distant class but i havent seen her looking at me.When we talk she makes deep eye contact and since she has blue eyes it is really obvious she has dilated pupils.And she never looks away when we talk in class and when i answer to some questions and talk to others i sense she is looking at me.And she was sitting in class front of me but not on chair but on marble near window so she could look at me?I had a crush on other girl but she wasnt interested and this girl seems to like but im not sure and i think i am afraid of liking her cus im not sure because everyone thinks she is little weird cus she sometimes tells stupid things and i am sometimes surprised too but i find her cute and i am starting to think about her alot more than before.I am tall but little overweight(not much really)...Does it affect anything..she was looking at me like that like half year ago but i didnt notice it alot.why am i thinking about her so much? Also my best female friend telks me she doesnt and that i am imagining it.I was chatting with her on fb for 2 hours and i even asked her if she has "lucky guy" and she told me:maybe.but i know she hasnt one.We dont know each other well so what is my next step with her

- Alanah - 05-26-2014 01:01 AM

Ok from a girls perceptive , talk to her just random covos and don't just do it cause your bored so what if people think she's weird it's what you think it's not up to them to decide if you like her or not she sounds lovely so you shouldn't be afraid to to to her I bet you she had feelings for you but how will you find out. Even just ask her how her day was and a big thing guys need to do is LISTEN. Yes we get annoying but if we are talking to you we trust you and that's big and the size of your body doesn't matter it'd the size of your Heart that matters you need to find out what your feelings for this girl are don't leave her hanging man .

- Hinata shadowsong - 05-26-2014 01:06 AM

Talk. get to know her. spend some time with her..if things fall in place than thats good right? Big Grin