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How to get people to "like" my fb music page yet deny their friend request for my personal fb? - Printable Version

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How to get people to "like" my fb music page yet deny their friend request for my personal fb? - 379 - 05-26-2014 01:56 AM

I'm trying to limit my personal Facebook page to "good friends only," but it seems the only way to "suggest they like your fb music page" is by them being added as a friend on your personal page. ?

- Stephanie - 05-26-2014 02:10 AM

Open a second FB account for personal, and another for anyone

- some guy - 05-26-2014 02:24 AM

From your avatar, you appear to be quite an attractive lady (not hitting on you, just explaining the answer I'm about to give). Further to that first response, which is (I think) correct in suggesting you make a different profile for your music page, change your avatar to something which doesn't show your face clearly or "ugly" yourself down a little (ie wear something kinda dull, have a neutral expression on your face - like you're posing for a mugshot : nothing turns me off more than a lady who isn't smiling).

Or, make your avatar your guitar and your cover page your face (so people viewing your profile in search only see a guitar and not a lady).

Also, while I think about it, if you have any music on Youtube there's an app called 'Profile Song' which embeds a Youtube video to your profile and, therefore, it might also promote your work a little (assuming you're unfamiliar with the app).

Failing any of that, take it as a compliment.

- Yahoo mania - 05-26-2014 02:30 AM

There are plenty of other ways to promote your page
1.Comment on other pages posts (GIVE REPLIES TO THE PARTICULAR STATUS THEY HAVE POSTED) But be careful Do not post anything on their pages like "LIKE MY PAGE ETC." You might get reported for spam
2. Another way is to find pages which share a similar idea and ask them whether they are willing to share your page on their wall.Sometimes Admins of pages having a higher number of likes may say ok. But In return you must also share their page on your wall
3.Place your Facebook link on other social media networks. For example, use your Twitter address link box to place your Facebook page URL rather than a site address. If you have a lively Twitter account, curiosity will cause a lot of your Twitter followers to click and follow through to your Facebook page
4.You can't post a links to your page on yahoo answers in a question, but You are free to post a link to your page in the "About Me" Section on Yahoo answers . And on questions on topics you're page is about . For example if someone asks a question about cats and your page contains an article related to their question you can post a link to your page (BEWARE Repeately posting links to your page can lead to a violation)