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would employers think less of me if they go on my facebook page and find a picture of a water pipe? - Printable Version

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would employers think less of me if they go on my facebook page and find a picture of a water pipe? - 844 - 05-26-2014 04:11 AM

i'm selling one to my friend and he wants to see it first, so i want to send him a picture via facebook. it doesn't have any traces of illegal substances, especially none that are visible in a picture taken from my webcam. and i'm not in the picture. it's just a picture of the pipe. would this hinder my chances of getting a job in the future?

also, is it possible to upload a picture from your computer files straight to a private message without it being posted in an album or my timeline?

- Don - 05-26-2014 04:17 AM

Ya T H I N K???????????????

- Matt - 05-26-2014 04:31 AM

To your first question just remove the pic once he has seen it. It can't have any bearing on your future employment if its no longer there.

As for your second question, yes it is possible to send a picture without uploading to a public server. Just use e-mail and add the picture as an attachment. No one will see the picture but your recipient. You can also privately share pictures via google hangouts or google talk.

- Ethio-Quantum - 05-26-2014 04:44 AM

on the chat box, in facebook, click the camera and you will be able to send it just to your friend without anyone else seeing it just like it was a message.