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What should I do if I never had a girlfriend? I never even had a female friend.? - Printable Version

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What should I do if I never had a girlfriend? I never even had a female friend.? - 465 - 05-26-2014 05:15 AM

I sent friend requests to hundreds of girls on Facebook but they all rejected me. In person, girls just ignore me and talk to the popular guys.

- 762 - 05-26-2014 05:18 AM

are u sure?

- Cassie - 05-26-2014 05:28 AM

Well... For starters, desperation is never attractive! It'll make girls flee from you as if you were infected by the plague. So you need to get rid of that attitude. :-P

Just go over to them, introduce yourself, and try to start a conversation. Be friendly and interested, but not pushy. Don't hit on them if they don't seem to be into it. And for God's sake, if they just want to be left alone.. then leave them alone. Best of luck! You will probably get the hang of it, eventually. Smile

- 725 - 05-26-2014 05:36 AM

I'll Be your friend on here, kk???

- sunny_gurl113 - 05-26-2014 05:49 AM

Just relax and find common interest and ways to meet them. It will happen. Quality is always better than quantity.

- JJJJ - 05-26-2014 06:04 AM

Do you write messages when you send these requests? If you just send them blank requests, it makes sense for anyone to not accept them from a stranger. Besides, sending lots of friends requests isn't a constructive way to try and interact with girls. If you want to do that, the best way to approach them is to talk with them directly. Treat them like how you would defaultly treat any other human being. Also be more confident and relaxed. That's always hard and it takes time to develop that habit, but if you're nervous, then the other person will feel that and become uncomfortable themselves. Try joining a group that has girls, like a club or something. That way, there's always a common topic that you can talk with them about too.

It's okay if you never had a female friend. Girls and boys are still both human beings, and luckily both are more than just their genders. If it helps, whenever you have the chance to talk with a girl, pretend that she's not a girl. She's just a human being like you, with interests and complaints that aren't only restricted to girlish or guyish things.

- Laeti - 05-26-2014 06:18 AM

Maybe you're creepy in real life. You gotta be confidant!