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re installing fire fox browser on windows 7? - Printable Version

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re installing fire fox browser on windows 7? - JMITW - 05-26-2014 05:42 AM

my browser has gotten corrupted....i'd like to do a full factory rest on my computer, but there is some data I am not ready to risk losing....i do have it call backed up on multiple sources (CD/flash drive)....but I was not able to upload one of the items on another computer.....i should be able to safely lose it in a few I want to to try to wait to do the reset..

for browsers are a mess...on fire fox many windows with various spam type ads pop up and slow everything windows as well as the slide in windows ---from all sides taking up some of the screen...i try to close them...but that just causes more junk windows to open....i know what caused it....i downloaded from what it supposedly a reputable and legit site...but it caused havoc on my computer.....


IF I UNINSTALL FIREFOX..when i re install...will I loose all those pop ups.....but will I also loose all my bookmarks?
they don't show up on IE Or I think they are attached to firefox only...I have tried removing the crapware.

i do have anti virus

- Art Bacon - 05-26-2014 05:48 AM

No, you won't lose your bookmarks. But, I don't think you'll lose the popups either. Run an antivirus and antispamware scan to clean it up.

- Chet - 05-26-2014 05:57 AM

I agree with Art Bacon. Uninstalling will not help your situation. You will have to remove all the crapware. With a Windows machine the best way is to reinstall Windows. You could remove most of it with (these are all free):
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Spybot Search and Destroy

Your antivirus, if you do not have one AVG or Avast used to be some of the best).

Now for probably one of the best but hardest to use browser hijack removers - hijackthis

With hijackthis, DO NOT just delete all entries after the scan. Some entries you may want. Do a google search on the entries.

These programs used to be great at removing walware, they may still be. I have not used Windows in years, so I can not say if they are as good as they used to be.

You can backup your Firefox profile very easily and quickly by just copying the Firefox profile directory to another location.