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I'm not allowed to see my cousins?!!!!? - Printable Version

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I'm not allowed to see my cousins?!!!!? - 325 - 05-26-2014 06:17 AM

Okay, well my family life is very confusing I will try to make it short.
So, My parents are divorced have been for 6 years, My mother got married to another guy 3 years ago. I don't talk to my father and I haven't for years! But I have cousins on his side that I talk to all the time, The thing is my step dad won't allow it, He is controlling, I've never met my cousins before and he won't let me, It makes me upset that I can't even spend time with them nor talk to them without him or my mother having a go at me.
I'm not even allowed to change my last name to my REAL last name on fb It has to be my mums and step dads last name, Because apparently if I do that it's stabbing him in the back?What can I do to make them understand my point of view?

- marcus - 05-26-2014 06:18 AM

You have to reason with him. Tell him it's YOUR family, and you have as much as any right to see them as anyone else. Ask to go with your dad, and see them through him. Your stepdad doesn't have the right to tell you what you should be doing. And you need to use the "im YOUR baby" approach with your mother.

- Imogene Alma - 05-26-2014 06:19 AM

there is something wrong with him