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My site (PR4) dropped 100+ positions. Anyone tell me why? - Printable Version

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My site (PR4) dropped 100+ positions. Anyone tell me why? - tan M - 05-26-2014 07:56 AM

My site is, PR4, my keywords is "Remote Administration Tool". My site is on 1st page of Google several months ago. But recently it was dropped to 10th page. Can anyone tell me why?

- rohit - 05-26-2014 07:58 AM

Very nice site,
Answer: Due to carelesnes and strong competetors.
Sorry for my weak english.

- MAMUN - 05-26-2014 08:03 AM

It seems to me that hit by Google recent update. If you are using Google webmaster tool then there might be an email or notice about penalized your site. If not using Google webmaster then its tough to say which Google update hit your site.

There are two major update rolling by Google in last 2 years. one is Google panda update which is mainly about site content issue. And another one is Google Penguin which is completely about poor/spamy backlinks and over SEO optimization.

To check about Google update here to identify yourself why site down in ranking :