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Friends keep leaving me out!! Help? - Printable Version

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Friends keep leaving me out!! Help? - Floppy - 05-26-2014 08:24 AM

I have a large group of "friends" but lately many of them have been leaving me out. Last week I was supposed to be go shopping with friend "A" but friend "A" and my other friend (friend "B") went without me and made it obvious that they were leaving me as they put up lots of pictures on social media. Friend B thinks that she's what keeps the group together but I'm honestly sick of it. I'm also friends with this boy who friend A keeps on walking home with and leaving me to walk by myself. All my other friends love friend B but I just think she is so full of herself and thinks everyone loves her!! What should I do??? I don't know wether to just act normal and deal with it or wether to bring it up?

- Ding Dong - 05-26-2014 08:37 AM

Confronting your friends will in my opinion only worsen the situation.

Since they are so conceited, it is best to get yourself some new friends.

- Ellie - 05-26-2014 08:53 AM

I had exactly the same problem. Except they were all nasty to me with words and dirty looks as well. I got to the point where I reported it to the school and had had too much, I started hanging out with an old group of friends where I've now made a new best friend, who is far better than any of the other girls. I just wish I had done it sooner. I would just sit with someone else. It you want, sit with them sometimes too, they might realise you can move on and treat you better; but if not you know that they aren't worth it. X

- Lena - 05-26-2014 09:03 AM

Ok, I know if it's any way like my situation then you cant really just get new friends. When your around friend b and she starts to get full of herself, make a little comment that will embarrass her like "Jeez, put down the mirror princess or stop bragging. But say it in a way like your just annoyed with her, but in still a friendly way. Like your "joking". She will be embarrassed and your friends will notice. Start inviting friend a if you still like her alone without friend b. If she asks why say something like this is a NO BRAGGING ZONE. Make it clear to your friends you think she is annoying but still be friends with them just not her. And as for the boy, go walk home with both of them if you can, or ask him to walk home with you first!