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Does insanity workout really work? - Printable Version

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Does insanity workout really work? - 576 - 05-26-2014 08:41 AM

- fabio - 05-26-2014 08:42 AM

Haven't heard about that workout, might be something new!

- Sohaila - 05-26-2014 08:52 AM

It works, but not as quickly as people claim. It also depends on whether or not you do all of the exercises properly. I'd say it's a waste of money, but if you're willing to stick to it for a long time it'd be worth it.

- Matt - 05-26-2014 09:03 AM

Sure, it works. Here's the thing though. If you workout with intensity while watching what you eat you will ALWAYS lose weight and increase your work capacity. You can accomplish the exact same thing with out dropping a hundred bucks on some DVDs. Insanity/P90x utilizes a concept called interval training, something that has been around for years. They just figured out how to market it well.

- Omar - 05-26-2014 09:11 AM

It will give you some tremendous results if you're looking for weight loss and burning fat as it's a very good and organized high-interval cardiovascular workout. My advice for you if you're looking for that result is follow the nutrition guide as much as you can and try not to cheat and also stay committed to the workout. This way you'll lose fat and you'll see some good results. Though if you're skinny, average or just have some simple fats then you'll get some results in your body but you could get some better by some methods I'll say them later on. But first I want to clarify that Insanity is very good or may even be the best with burning fat, core and cardio. As I said earlier though that if you're not looking for losing weight and you're looking to shape muscle or be athletic and you're either skinny, average or not that fat then I recommend you to search P90X which is another workout program that has a concept called muscle confusion and I'm sure you'll like it. It needs some equipment though but it is much better with gaining lean muscle and six pack abs. You can do the fit test first to see if you qualify for it or not. So as a simple final analysis, Insanity works and it is very good if your goal is weight loss and it'll help you on your core and cardio along the way. Although, if you're not looking for losing fat or if you're not much fat and you're looking to lose the little fat you have and building some lean muscle then Insanity might work well with the simple weight loss part but it won't have a very good result in building lean muscle so I really recommend P90X which will give you way more better results than Insanity in this purpose. I hope you get the body of your dreams and if you still have any questions then you could say so in the feedback with a facebook or twitter profile and I'll answer them with an inbox. Hope I've helped. Also, if you want to talk to me any time then do the same with the profile and along the journey if you have any questions or need any tips then I'm there for you.