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How to get the attention of publishers? - Printable Version

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How to get the attention of publishers? - David - 05-26-2014 09:03 AM

So uhm i'm kinda done writing this novel, and im really lost in how to get my book publish as this will be the first time im doing this. I have absolute no experience in book publishing so any advice or constructive answer will be much appreciated
Also don't scare me that the book publishing industry is very risky lol

- 773 - 05-26-2014 09:05 AM

It will all depend on how you will get your novel published. If it's going to be a digital product, Clickbank might be the solution as you will also have thousand of affiliates ready to sell your products for you. However, if you are going for print, things will be somehow different but still sites like amazon and ebay will do the job.

- Jake - 05-26-2014 09:09 AM

I've seen profiles of people self publishing a book series and doing pretty well, I don't know all of rhe logistics, there are print on demand services, some that ship directly to your customers, so you don't have to finance and warehouse a big print run. You could sell directly through Amazon, perhaps with a Kindle version as well.

Online Print On Demand Publishers - they also handle drop shipping to USA (overseas orders cost considerably more)

Bridgeport National, USA

Anthony Rowe is the largest print on demand publisher for the UK and Europe:

You have to pay about $200 for an ISBN#

Some misc writer oriented links I have collected.

Write and get review sites
Teenink - For self-published authors
Mibba - young writes share. pier reviews of poetry, short stories, novels, scripts, and screenplays
Youngwriterssociety - Poetry & Writing Community
Authonomy - booklovers
Legendfire Author Marketing Experts

- eri - 05-26-2014 09:12 AM

If you want your novel published by a real publishing company, you need to get an agent. Get a copy of 'the writer's market' and read it. If you want to just have a copy for yourself, there are plenty of 'vanity publishers' (self-publishers) out there who will charge you to make a few copies, but it will not be sold in bookstores. Real publishing is free. Self publishing costs money.

- 172 - 05-26-2014 09:20 AM

The traditional way to get your stuff in front of publishers is to get literary agent who will market your book but a better way(and i more lucrative and time effective way) is to go it alone and publish it yourself.

with your book already done, you escape the trap of many author who try to gain traction for a book while writing it,

I can help you promote your book by getting it in front of as many eyes as possible as I have a good relationship with well read bloggers and successful self published authors.

if you wish to contact me, please visit the carnage report at