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My computer has problems keeping my internet connection? - Printable Version

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My computer has problems keeping my internet connection? - Daniel - 05-26-2014 01:56 PM

My computer at random times will "Lose connection", as if the internet has gone down. It usually happens every 40 minutes-an hour, but sometimes happens every 20 minutes. In order to fix it, i have to disconnect from the internet, then reconnect to it.

P.S. My brother is using the same internet on his computer, and it has never done this to him. I have tried using BOTH wired AND wireless connections with the same problem. So I know its not the internet service. I have had this problem with any internet connection i use, wireless or wired connection.

Any ideas on what might be causing this, and how to fix it?
Im using Windows 7. My laptop is about 2 years old (I got it when I start college).

He isn't on a guest network. We're both using the same network.

@adam, It could be it. But why would it only happen for me and not him? I've had this problem for weeks, but he's never had it happen once.

- Daniel - 05-26-2014 01:58 PM

its probaly because your brother is using a guest connection check your router

- Adam - 05-26-2014 02:08 PM

IP address conflict? What happens if you are the only one on your network? How old is your computer?

- Mike - 05-26-2014 02:18 PM

Hi Daniel
What type of PC is this and OS? If its windows 8 get rid of it and go back to 7. Will probably fix your issues. If it is a Mac Its probably an IP issue so you you would need to change to a different IP since its trying to use one thats used by another PC/Laptop/Tablet ect. My daughters mac book pro does it all the time even when its on a lan line. Hope this helps