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Changing Windows and High-Ping Problem After!!!? - Printable Version

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Changing Windows and High-Ping Problem After!!!? - 992 - 05-26-2014 07:34 PM

Hi. I just changed my windows from 7 to 7 again, both Ultimate Edition and (the reason was registration problems and such) and now facing a high-ping problem as if something's being downloaded while not!!! I've already disabled check for updates on my windows as well as on my Mozilla's Firefox browser. I have no other idea where else the problem comes from and the worst part is that I have a 2-week-long vacation and wanna play online games :-(
Your help's deeply thanked!

- Rahul - 05-26-2014 07:50 PM

try upgrading the Lan and Wi-Fi drivers and check

- Rute - 05-26-2014 07:55 PM

If you only knew how much goes into determining what your ping is. It’s not a static number. It will always be different if you ping to different sites/servers. Just because its a high ping to one server, doesn't mean it’s going to be a high ping to everything. Your ping time is based on the speed and amount of traffic on your internet connection, the speed and amount of traffic on the server's internet connection, and the speed and amount of traffic on all of the routers in between you and your destination. If there's a bad router somewhere in Norway, and you go through that router in order to connect to one of your games, then you'll have a bad ping time. There's nothing you can do about this. If you were to do a trace router to a server, you'd be able to see the number of routers you go through to get there, in addition to the time it takes them to respond. If just one of those routers shows a high ping time, then that explains your poor ping response. Since it’s not a router you have control of obviously, you just have to deal with it.