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Should I delete him off fb? 10 points!? - Printable Version

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Should I delete him off fb? 10 points!? - 859 - 05-26-2014 07:40 PM

So there's this guy... let's name him Ryan (not his real name but I'd rather not use real names.) And my best friend... we'll name her Sammy. Well, Sammy had a guy friend (Ryan) and I added him on facebook. They both had crushes on each other at that time but Ryan was in a relationship and Sammy is a big tease and wouldn't date him anyway (he's not her "type") Well for the past eight months ever since I've added him on fb, we'd been talking A LOT, sometimes for an entire day on facebook. Then we met and everything and we saw each other a few times after that whenever he was in town and everything was going great. He soon started referring to me as one as his best friends. He then started to fall in love with Sammy, and it made me really upset since she's my best friend and Ryan was my crush, but I didn't say anything. Ryan asked Sammy out and she refused saying she wasn't ready for a relationship but a few weeks later she got in a relationship with some other guy. About 3 months later Ryan asked me if I liked him and said if I told him the truth he would admit something to me. I said yes and he said he likes me a little bit too but he doesn't want to date because of Sammy (not sure what that means.) After that we got even closer and he even asked me to kiss him but I said no. Well now, about eight months after meeting him, he's finally single and doing those fb things where when people like it you have to be honest and put an 'x' in the box and one of the things was "I would date you." well for about every girl he checkmarked the box (I didn't like it though because I didn't want to get hurt.) Anyway, I hate seeing that he would date other girls. I'm really hurt and crying and just really upset. I was THIS close to dating him and something happened and now we never even talk about liking each other anymore. He always tells me he loves me and stuff but I'm starting to think he just says that and doesn't mean it. He's constantly asking me to call him and I keep refusing to because I don't want to fall in love anymore than I have. My question is, should I just delete him off fb? I know we're like best friends but if I don't I'm going to get more hurt. Plus, he lives in another town and he won't be coming to my town as much now because his aunt that he visits every weekend moved. I think I should just delete him... every day he messages me on fb and it makes me happy but that won't help me to move on and I can't keep refusing to call him because it'll get weird. I can't tell him the real reason why I'm upset either because he might not feel the same way about me anymore. Also if I do delete him and he messages me why what do I say? I was thinking of just saying that I didn't delete him and facebook must've done it but then not adding him back or something. Thanks.Also if I don't delete him should I just not reply to his fb messages, go offline to him or just reply? I really want to move on by tonight since it's a new year and if I'm stuck on some guy there's no way I can move on. I need to concentrate on other people and schoolwork. He's consuming all of my thoughts and time.

- Harold - 05-26-2014 07:45 PM

Yes i think its the best thing to do .. For right now !!

- uh - 05-26-2014 07:48 PM

He seems like a player. The only way to get over him is to try and forgive him, and then forget him (although this will take time). If I were you I would delete him on Facebook, otherwise you'll just be constantly reminded of him and it will be harder to move on.

- Ryan26mhs - 05-26-2014 08:01 PM

He asked you to kiss him? That's not love! He's a tool. Looking for sexual activities. These are the guys you watch out for. I'm not being a doo doo head, I'm telling you this from past history(My sister was used, she caught it in time but still, guys can be really tricky.) Delete him. He shows you an attitude? Then that's proof he's a tool.

- ❀Aloha❀ - 05-26-2014 08:10 PM

That would be kind of mean, don't you think? If you don't want to be connected to him in any way and lose your friendship, then go for it. But tbh, it'll make things more awkward than it is for you two right now.

- Leigh - 05-26-2014 08:19 PM

I think you should go with your gut, which seems to be telling you to delete him off facebook to help you get over him. But personally, I would send him a message first. I'd say something like "Ryan, whether you know this or not, I still have feelings for you and it's hard being just friends with you. If you don't like me enough to date me, then I need to have my space to get over you. I'm sorry"

Good luck, I hope you end up happy!

- Dee - 05-26-2014 08:24 PM

He's too far away to bother with! Delete him if you must,and look for a local guy to date. You need to concentrate on school and other important things so you don't need confusion in your life. Good luck, feel better and Happy New Year.

- Sophia Jungenberg - 05-26-2014 08:31 PM

Girl. Let me tell you something. Guys are dickss.
They just want your pants...they just want to be in your pants.
Now surprisingly...there are nice guys out there. Ones that care about your feelings...not play with them. Sounds like "Ryan" was using you to get closer to "Sammy." That, or he actually had feelings for you.
Listen...if he really cared about you, he wouldn't have said he didn't wanna date you, and he wouldn't be putting x's in the column of 'id date u' to other girls.
It could be a joke, it might not, but either way he shouldnt be playing with ur heart.
You have 2 options, and both cld lead to deleting him on fb.
Option #1 is to just delete him. Just forget him and push him outta ur life. If your ready, just do it. Im not shure how ur feeling, but if he caused you pain then just forget him.
Option #2 is to be a strong and confront him. Ask him straight "what are your feelings for me? am i a friend, more than a friend" that way you will beable to tell if its a good idea to delete him, or if it was a misunderstanding and you might have a future.
Good luck, and I hope everything turns out!

- Sophia Jungenberg - 05-26-2014 08:46 PM

In my opinion you can't just delete him or ignore him. That's running away from the problem at hand. If you like him you should tell him. Yes you might get hurt but it also may be one of the best things you ever do. You have to be positive and see the glass half full. You've not got much to lose, if things go wrong you just go ahead with deleting him. Just tell him you like him, he may surprise you. Do you want to live your life wondering 'what if'??? Can you live with that? If the answer is yes and you believe you will get over him quickly and find someone else: delete him. If you really like him and don't want to lose him: fight for him, he's not going to ask you out if he doesn't know how you feel you need to get your feelings out in the open and then you can move forwards. Hey, you might get a great boyfriend out of it! Oh and as for the 'would i date you [x]' thing on Facebook, he is a typical boy. He is single and keeping his options open. I'm sure that doesn't mean he'd cheat on you.. Hope this helps x