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Why does she talk so much crap about me? - Printable Version

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Why does she talk so much crap about me? - Cindy - 05-26-2014 08:05 PM

She calls me out indirectly on social media, acting like I dress like a slut WHICH I DONT or I'm fake etc. She despises me, but gave no reason. This boy and I were very flirty and I felt that it started going somewhere, then she does something selfish and inconsiderate, basically a home wrecker in a way. I understand that people will always have their opinion about you, but why does she feel the need to articulate it? I'm bothered by the amount she talks about me, which her best friend does too because she'll do anything to please her. She acts like she's more mature, intelligent and generally has a deeper view in life. She says statements about being yourself and accepting others. Ironically, she's the most judgemental person I've ever come across. We got along fine for the first two months I've known her but ever since she broke up with her boyfriend and liked the same guy I did, she's HATED me. I've never even done anything bad to her..

- Bobbie - 05-26-2014 08:17 PM

She is just jealous..
Women never really hate only if you do them harm.. Its always jealousy.

- Justine - 05-26-2014 08:27 PM

It's because she is probably jelouse of you , don't let her get to you , she's insecure and a biat ch