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has social media made bullying worse? - Printable Version

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has social media made bullying worse? - Carrie - 05-26-2014 10:40 PM

What are your thoughts..and why?

- Miyanna - 05-26-2014 10:53 PM

Yes. I think it has, because most girls don't insult others face to face mostly online and If you do post something mean up about someone a lot of other girls see it and you do seem to feel a bit humiliated and embarrassed. But also after you do get bullied through social media that's when everything starts happening face to face because the bully thinks that the victim won't do anything. Sometime it can get very violent, it can end up on the news, there are plenty of physical bullying videos put online then they reach headlines. It needs to stop fast.

- bakcaca - 05-26-2014 11:00 PM

Has social media made bullying worse? Yes it is, but the situation might change according to my study. In the reality, he/she is the victim and can't do anything when they were bullied. This made them stressfull with others and try to let go their unsatisfied for being bully victim all the time. So, the short way or the best solution that their see is joining the social media such as facebook just to find someone which they can made a victim just like them in the reality outside. Otherwise, others do not know he/she, so they can do as far as they want, UNSTOPABLE..

- Claire - 05-26-2014 11:14 PM

I think that social media has impacted bullying negatively in many ways, they call it cyber-bullying, and it has become such a problem in our modern world, that they give lectures about it in schools, for kids as young as 7 years old. It creates a more subtle way to bully someone, without the risks of doing it in person, Another thing to take into notice, is that millions of people could see something every day, that might just seem normal or funny, but it could be hurting someone somewhere. Lastly there are so many more forms of bullying on social medias, from disliking their post, or commenting negatively, or even posting something about someone else. It really is a type of severe bullying that goes on every day to millions of people, and it should be recognized this way, as a threat.

- Monica Mellish - 05-26-2014 11:21 PM

I know it has because people come on yahoo and be report monkeys with a trigger finger and not let anyone have a point of view. I was on another site when someone put someone down for no reason.. Just because he was from another country and wanted friendly advice.