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What does it mean if this guy is staring at me? - Printable Version

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What does it mean if this guy is staring at me? - 778 - 05-27-2014 12:52 AM

There is this cute guy I see at the community college I go to. We sometimes make eye contact but have never really talked.I've seen him at a few concerts before. Anyways I came across his name on Facebook. Every since I added him he's been staring at me a lot. Every time I glance that way he looks away really fast. Is that a good thing or is it possible he thinks I'm kind of creepy for adding him?

- Daniel - 05-27-2014 01:03 AM

No he likes you he just doesn't have the courage or isn't under the right circumstances to talk to you yet

- Julie - 05-27-2014 01:13 AM

It is a fantastic thing this is very common in guys they are scared to ask a girl out unless they know she likes them to guys have huge egos and they don't often like when their pride is diminished you adding him on Facebook was probably what he saw as you being interested in him try to talk to him even if it is just on Facebook good luck and i hope he asks you out

- greatman - 05-27-2014 01:15 AM

He really wants to talk to you but he's confused since you made the first move . He's just hoping that whenever he stares at you , you would get the hint and return a better hint and .. BOOM i'm sure he'll approach you . I honestly find it unattractive when girls talk to me first but in this case I would say hi to him because he is obviously scared to say hi .