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How Google diagnose it's Advertisement and backlink? - Printable Version

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How Google diagnose it's Advertisement and backlink? - Venu - 05-27-2014 03:18 AM

Some of the news websites accepting PPC Ads and same websites giving backlinks some time.

Usually PPC campaigns doesn't pass page rank, while backlink, can pass. How Google diagnose it's PPC and backlink? Through Nofollow link or? any other program?

Recently I am publishing my website in a news website, getting potential customers, but Google webmaster "Links to your site" displaying backlinks from that website(with dofollow). But it's PPC ad only, How Google consider it's PPC or Backlink?

- spicy_shafi - 05-27-2014 03:33 AM

Usually PPC Ads will not pass page rank. In your case, if it is do-follow it may be their terms of service or a technical glitch in their advertising platform.

- SynapseIndia - 05-27-2014 03:36 AM


Hope you doing well. PPC can be done by two types by paying some amount to other to get link or second one with the help of Google Adword only for showing the add in search engine. So which one you are doing. If you are talking about Paid link in that case Google consider it as a back link. Only solution if you do not want that Google does count it as a back link make it nofollow.

In both case free link and paid link page rank pass to other linked page. Now a days Google consider paid link as a spam so for a mean time you have to stop the paid linking and try to create the natural links for your website.

Hope you understood and will useful to you.

- Albert - 05-27-2014 03:52 AM

Only dofollow backlinks will do help to pagerank.

PPC has nothing to do with that.