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what you think of online piracy? - Printable Version

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what you think of online piracy? - Nini Jikia - 05-27-2014 03:30 AM

do you think online piracy is good or bad? and why
most of the people know its illegal and they harm industry but they still do it. why?

- Hugh Jorgan - 05-27-2014 03:45 AM

It's a bad thing. After all, it's illegal. Most people can't resist getting things for free, but there are no protections or restrictions in place on line.

- 059 - 05-27-2014 03:59 AM

do you think online piracy is good or bad? and why

- It's wrong, basically. However, is every item worth your time and money?
Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages even with piracy. For example, I download music, movies, books, etc first for free, then I will go and buy them if I liked them. I also like giving recommendations to other people. They might buy if they liked my recommendations. I see piracy as a way of testing products like you would do with perfume, cosmetics, gadgets, etc while saving money on things you don't like. Online piracy laws are almost non-existent where I live. So I don't really have to worry about getting into trouble with the law.

most of the people know its illegal and they harm industry but they still do it. why?
- Money. Of course, we are not millionaires. We want entertainment but most can't afford to pay for all of them. The industry is controlled by a bunch of wealthy figures. We might have halted them a bit from getting richer but they are not going to go bankrupt because of piracy. Think like Robin Hood. Steal from the rich to give to the poor. Ordinary people like us are not that greedy. Many support indie authors, underground musicians, etc by urging their friends and downloaders online to go and buy their stuff if they liked it. Those people need money. The big companies and entertainers who are already famous? Not so much. They have crazy fans across the world supporting them and buying their stuff every time they put out something.

Have you ever loaned your book to a friend when you were a kid before all this digitizing? Was your friend stealing from you?

- RichardT - 05-27-2014 04:00 AM

if I do not have a browser (no IE) I can not write address like http://www.