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does he like me? - Printable Version

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does he like me? - 432 - 05-27-2014 07:19 AM

This guy... he will flirt with me when he sees me, tells me to trust him when he is wanting to figure something out, and always wants to know who I like. (that's good right?)He is always dating random girls though. -.-One time (a big mistake) I told him he was a player and he said 'I guess I just can't control my feelings ' and we kept talking. I am really confused. I like him alot... but does he like me??? <3<3

- Adriiel - 05-27-2014 07:26 AM

You teenage girls are so oblivious its actually frustrating to watch. If I've learned anything over the short span of highschool its that women are willing to look over any and every flaw in a guy to see their good side. Do yourself a favour and DON'T chase this guy. I don't have to read what you said twice to know he'll use you then dump you. It's how men like him work. Then you'll go on facebook and cry about how all guys are a**holes etc etc.

Try THINKING before you let emotions get the best of you. He most likely IS an asshole and most likely IS just trying to get in your pants. So no he doesn't like you, he likes what he thinks he can get by pretending to like you.