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PS3 Online lagg problems? - Printable Version

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PS3 Online lagg problems? - 048 - 05-27-2014 11:48 AM

I having a lag problem with my ps3 slim, at times it will not lag and at times it lags not stop my internet connection says 100% and my phone and laptop working fine and run internet fast with no problems. even running the router wired with nothing else connected the download speed with run at a 5.9 and upload speed with run at a 1.5-2.1mbps now, and I'll lag on COD. It just started doing this to after I cam back from vacation. Before I left from vacation I use to run about a 2.3 sometimes to usually and 2.5 and would have no problems at all.Is it the ps3 or internet? because my internet works fine on other devices and when I do a speed test its running at 50mbps. I have time warner cable.

- Evelyn Inez - 05-27-2014 11:58 AM

Call your cable company to see if they are throttling your internet. Some do thinking that when someone is playing a game multiplayer they are downloading items they shouldn't.