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Basic SEO for a website? - Printable Version

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Basic SEO for a website? - john - 05-27-2014 02:58 PM

What are some basic things I should be thinking about doing for basic SEO for my website?

- Rosemary P - 05-27-2014 03:09 PM

I'm not an expert but here are some of the things that work for us:

making sure you have relevant keywords on each page - don't just use the same ones on every page of your site

put alt tags on any images and graphics on your sites

keep your site informative - for the search engines that are done manually, especially, they like information (so, too, do your visitors)

Build your pages with Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3

links to and from your site can be beneficial but be selective. If a site linking to you gets blacklisted, you're in danger of receiving the same treatment

make sure sites that you link to and from are relevant to your site's content

There's lots more and I'm sure others will be able to give you more comprehensive answers.

Good luck!

- Curt Monash - 05-27-2014 03:14 PM

I came across a great link just yesterday (below).

More generally, there are a lot of knowledgeable SEOs with blogs, who just LOVE to write tip lists and acquire traffic that way. Just try searching for them and you'll find them fast. But you may also find some junk.,, and are all very reputable. Go to those and follow your nose, and you'll quickly see what is and isn't trustworthy.

- 686 - 05-27-2014 03:27 PM

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines.

Keyword search
Keyword research enables site owners to choose keywords when constructing and optimizing a website (page). Keyword research is also extensively used to manage PPC advertising campaigns or if you are looking to research and identify profitable niche markets.

When performing keyword research for constructing and optimizing a website (page) you are looking to select search terms that will reach your target audience. One of the common mistakes made by some SEOs is to avoid choosing keywords that are very competitive. Searchers tend to use a lot modifiers when they search and the more competitive the search term the more likely they are to use a modifier. Removing the possibility of ranking well for these modified searches is not a good idea. Competition can be a factor in deciding how to target a specific search term but you should never ignore a search term simply because you believe it is too competitive.

You can do several things to increase traffic flow.
When making your own web site do some research on how to optimize your site so that you get a good ranking with a natural search. You do this by embedding smart key words.

1 )Key word tool by google
2) Keyword suggestion
3) Keyword Typo Generator Tool

Freeky word

You need get your web address in as many locations as possible on the net. You do this by article submission, link swap and free classifieds.
How To Get More Traffic For Free To MY Websites

article submission, link swap and free classifieds.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker;_ylt=AlhJiR7ZcCCBRbp_sdnJwW3ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080111092859AA6vfTx&show=7#profile-info-lpytzfawaa

- vicseo - 05-27-2014 03:30 PM

You may want to consider some simple algorithms which,
when observed and committed in designing of a website
with placement of various critical metatags that can
surely achieve a high search engine presence and
increase Internet traffic to your website. These
metatag strategies work well with published webpages
at Google and Yahoo.

Design: Should you create an extensive Flash-based
website, make sure to fill-in the property entries
such as the Title, Description and Keywords. Failing
to do so, leaves no hard HTML or ALT resource that can
be readily indexed by search robots. Also consider the
Internet audience and their incoming setup. For
example, if they are on analog/dialup, Flash webpages
take too long to load up and therefore analog users
will likely lose interest and discontinue entering the
Flash site. On the other hand, anyone on hi-speed DSL
lines, will welcome Flash pages which load quickly. So
before designing a pure Flash websitge, ask the simple
question, "Who's my end user - is he on dialup or
DSL?" And if you had to choose between these two users
for maximum marketability, then select analog users
since 80% of most resident users are still analog
Internet subscribers and pure HTML designed webpages
is best for them.

A non-Flash-based website which relies on hard text,
is far easier to be indexed by search robots. Limit
the use of stylized text saved as .gifs since as a
graphic, they are not indexable by search robots.

Avoid use of frames since any number of search robots
are unable to properly classify textual material.

Placement of Metatags:

A ranking or search order does take place with Google
and Yahoo and it begins with the "Title" metag which
should consist of no more than 65 characters separated
by commas. The "Title" should describe in generic
terms, the goods and services, followed by a location
from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state.
The placement of a domain name which is not generic
within the "Title" is not appropriate, unless your
domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

The second metatag is the "Description" which is
usually 41 words to form a complete sentence which
best describes one's goods and services.

And the very last category - "Keywords" are also
somewhat limited to 15 words which can be plural
and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries
which could be mistaken as "spamdexed entries" which
is defined as the loading, and submission of
repetitive words into a particular metatag category.
"Spamdexing" when discovered on a webpage and reported
to Google's can result in the
elimination of your website from their search

Good luck!

- aspirerankings - 05-27-2014 03:43 PM

Before starting SEO for a website one should consider the following basic things-:
1.meta tags are properly used in the site(title,description,keyword...)
2.properly designed
3.No html errors found map created for the site
4.Content should be unique and helpful for visitors.No copy found


- Rod - 05-27-2014 03:53 PM

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a marketing tools used to attract visitors to your website, especially those within your target market. This method is commonly used by link builders and webmasters to increase traffic to their sites. And we all know increased in traffic for your site means greater number of viewers and higher possibility to drive customers to your site. Also increased in traffic makes your web site more visible and increase the ranking of your site on the search engines.
The basic of SEO are optimizing the keywords, the contents, the title that makes the search engines find it more visible. If you are on to a online business you need to understand the basic and complex factors of SEO.

- Geoffrey Curtis - 05-27-2014 03:55 PM

You should look into using a piece of software like, its affordable and it works really good for small websites.

- erikskupeika - 05-27-2014 03:56 PM

The first thing you need to do is get your website ready for search engine optimization. First you will need to work on the onsite optimization. Make sure you do a keyword search and find keywords that are relevent to your website. A good place to check for keywords would be
This is a very good tool to check for good keywords. Next you will have to get some good keywords in the title tags section of the website. Don't over do it maybe 3 or 4 high traffic keywords will do. Then you will have to fill in the meta tag descriptions and meta tag keywords. In the descriptions section do a max of 2 sentences that describe your website and use keywords as well. Then take all the keywords that you want to use and place them in the mets keywords section. As you know content is king with google so add as much content as you can with a good amount of keywords to help describe your website. You can also add a keyword above some paragraphs and use the Heading 1 tag. This will help with the search engines as well. Heading tag looks like this <h1>keyword</h1> This will show up bigger than the rest of the content.
This will get your website ready for the offsite optimization.
Offsite optimization includes any of the following:
1.) Link building
2.) article creation and submission
3.) social bookmarking
4.) Press releases
All of these tools will do wonder for your website.

- AlexG - 05-27-2014 04:08 PM

Here is a video with an SEO tutorial:

And here is a video with why some things in SEO might not work: