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Trying to decide on a Facebook profile picture? - Printable Version

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Trying to decide on a Facebook profile picture? - This Is My Design - 05-27-2014 03:23 PM

I am ridiculously indecisive, please someone help me pick the best one lol!




Thank you for any answers, I'm just so awful at choosing profile pictures so I always end up changing it and then deleting it again like a million times
The 'schoolgirl' looking tie is my school uniform, lol!

- T-REX - 05-27-2014 03:27 PM

the second one. it accents you're smile (which is very cute by the way), and on the first one you can't see the color of your eyes (also beautiful).

- Fritters - 05-27-2014 03:39 PM

Two looks forced to me, I'd go with 3. More natural.

- Photofox - 05-27-2014 03:43 PM

2 or 3 are the best.
But I think you should take another without the "schoolgirl" looking tie. It will attract unwanted interest from a certain type of bloke!

- Tippy - 05-27-2014 03:47 PM

I like the first one the best. but they are all pretty.