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How do increase my ps3 download speed? - Printable Version

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How do increase my ps3 download speed? - William - 05-27-2014 06:11 PM

I have my PS3 wired to my router, I'm using the, thing, and it is still slow. I used a stop watch on my
Phone and watched the MB(I download in background because I got the game off of my friend) and I get about a MB every 7 seconds. My
PS3 said this "675.7 kbps" as my internet connection download speed. I have no clue what this means. If you could help me(and use English, lol) that would be great!

- PoohBearPenguin - 05-27-2014 06:16 PM

Your download speed is determined mainly by the connection you're buying from your internet company.

~670kbps is pretty slow by today's standards, where you can easily get 10x-20x that from your cable company.