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Oops! google chrome could not find - Printable Version

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Oops! google chrome could not find - 895 - 05-27-2014 07:34 PM

Last week, i tried to do something when my wifi connection could not access to server. I have setting something in network connection and in cmd. A few hour later, my connection is fine. I realize that problem is not caused by proxy , ip or dns setting. After that i tried to go to putlocker and then it became like this ''Oops! google chrome could not find'' . Before the internet problem this web is works properly and then, i can't access. I think this problem is because i have change setting or something on internet proxy. I have tried everything to fix it but doesn't work. Including go to chrome setting. I tried on mozilla and internet explorer also can't acess putlocker. This problem is maybe caused by dns setting that i have change and i don't relize that. How to reset all of this until it default setting like i never changed something before ? please help me..

- It - 05-27-2014 07:41 PM

Google chrome didn't find the site,.