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Why did the conversation die? - Printable Version

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Why did the conversation die? - 502 - 05-27-2014 08:33 PM

So my crush sent me this fb message. Did I cut off the conversation by not asking another question? I didn't want to seem pushy/annoying so I didn't answer by asking another question but after this the conversation died.

Him: Happy Saint Paddy's day! Are you coming into work today? Lol

Me: Happy Saint Patrick's day! No I wish..I'm only scheduled tomorrow. So much for making a lot of money over spring break..haha. I saw your Facebook status...I can't believe people are shoplifting on a holiday. gosh lol

- varun d - 05-27-2014 08:45 PM

And yeah, the conversation died because he didn't want to look desperate or pushy or interested, which btw he is Wink
You didn't ask a question. I never replied with a dead end, always asked something to which she had to reply. But did it cleverly. Ask something interesting and/or useful so that he can reply. And if you can write something which needs him to ask something back, it would be great.
Wishes again SmileSmile