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Should I add him as a friend on fb? - Printable Version

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Should I add him as a friend on fb? - Ling Lao - 05-27-2014 08:49 PM

I've had a crush on this main guy for almost a year. The issue is that we're both shy and everytime I'd stare, he'd always do something to get my attention. I finally decided to speak to him and he was just utterly nervous. We have continued staring at each other. I have googled the signs of a shy guy liking you and he does almost everything. Last week we were in the cafe and he sat on my pc. We spoke then he stood quiet for a minute and said that he had to go. He said that it was nice talking to me and that I'm very intelligent. The following week I saw him again and greeted him. He said hello to me and stumbled and shook a lot. Then after I asked him how he was doing, he walked away. He then came to the cafe near the area we spoke last week and walked really fast. I just found his facebook and I'm scared to add him on fb. What should I do? I want to add him but I don't want to creep him out what do I do?

- katrina :) - 05-27-2014 08:56 PM

ADD HIM. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing.

- An Awesome Person - 05-27-2014 08:58 PM

dont be a pussy its fuckin facebook just add for christs sakes lol

- gagarutay - 05-27-2014 09:12 PM

Talk to him girl. Ask if he has fb and add him. Better yet, browse fb when he's comes by your pc.

- Rvp - 05-27-2014 09:19 PM

for it

- Guadalupe - 05-27-2014 09:30 PM

I agree with the 3rd one get him to look at what your doing on the computer, while your on FB!!

- Emily - 05-27-2014 09:38 PM

My advice would be to wait until you talk to him again in person and figure out the backstory as to why he's been acting strangely, and once he's relaxed with you again, imply that you want to get talking more, then add him on Facebook. If a long period of time goes by before he's comfortable talking to you in person again, then just go ahead and add him just to see what happens. Good luck!Wink