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How much does it cost per click for a small business to advertise on Facebook ? - Printable Version

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How much does it cost per click for a small business to advertise on Facebook ? - Taylor - 05-27-2014 10:12 PM

We are starting a new business and want to get these numbers so we can turn in a investment request next week.

- Tommy - 05-27-2014 10:14 PM


It is up to you on how much it would cost. When you set up a campaign on FB, you get to set a budget which you want to spend and FB will only show your CPC ads until you use up your budget for that day. So if you set your budget to be $25/day, once you spend up to $25, they will stop showing your ad and won't charge you. So in conclusion, it depends on how many people you want to target and how much you are willing to spend.

Hope this helps.

- robert m - 05-27-2014 10:25 PM

Agreed as Tommy says, same for other media (google adwords etc), more depends upon your investment criteria. But the real question is how much exposure you would need to have an impact on your business - that could be costed, but only you will know that.

- Solution - 05-27-2014 10:26 PM



If you are promoting a product or page on your facebook without your targeted promotions will be a lot of lost money.
Here is how you make that specific targets so as to reduce the cost of your campaign.

You can use this fb tools for fb ads success: