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relationship issues. please read and reply!? - Printable Version

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relationship issues. please read and reply!? - Shyann - 05-28-2014 01:00 AM

My boyfriend and babydaddy of almost 2 years has only ever been in love with one other girl. they were together for 2 or 3 years but broke up almost 3 years ago. he still has 3 pictures of them together in his profile pictures album on facebook. I asked him to delete them and he said no! hr said he won't delete them because it has been over 4 years ago and because its just the "principle" of it ( whatever the hell that means) he told me that I was just being childish and emotional and insecure. I said that none of that is true and I want him to delete them simply because I don't want MYYY boyfriend to still have pictures of him and his ex girlfriend on there. he says hes not giving into my childish ways and REFUSES to delete those 3 pictures. he said he won't do it because its all in the past and before us. but I feel that if its in the past and none of their relationship matters to him anymore then it should be no problem to just delete thr pictures! even if it was a matter of me just being emotional, insecure, and childish (which its not) I feel like he should STILL just delete thr pics... why is it such a problem to just delete them and let the pics go if he no longer cares about any of that and loves me is the question im asking him? Do you guys feel like im right or wrong in this situation????

- Rhea - 05-28-2014 01:13 AM

dont ask him to delete them , just save it and take it off facebook.
its because he thinks you're too clingy.
Get over it, and i understand you feel jealous , but if hes with you he likes you not his ex so chill out.

- Shyann - 05-28-2014 01:29 AM

@Rhea .. but why should he even save it??? why is it a problem to delete it.. and he doesnt think im too clingy. we have a two month old and live together. we are not in some teenage relationship neither of us have any problem with clingyness. why would I be overreacting by asking my boyfriend to delete the pictures of him and his ex

- MM - 05-28-2014 01:38 AM

"even if it was a matter of me just being emotional, insecure, and childish (which its not)"

Oh, yes it is. Before he was YOUUUUR boyfriend (and seriously, how can you type out a whine like that and claim you're not being childish with a straight face?), he had an independent existence. His girlfriend existed. The memories exist, whether there are photographic records or not. You cannot erase her and the impact she had on his life by deleting these pictures, and feeling threatened enough by them to need the record destroyed is ridiculous. Back down, acknowledge this is not that big a deal, and maybe he'll decide he doesn't need to keep them after all. Or maybe not, but if you don't let them impact your daily lives, then who cares?