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Why are people nosey on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why are people nosey on Facebook? - 820 - 05-28-2014 01:28 AM

Since I have joined I have had many people talk to me about things in my timeline that are old and obscure. Why do people go through old pictures, posts, and comments? They don't "like" them either. They'll just casually mention something later on. Is this common?

- 820 - 05-28-2014 01:38 AM

I know a lot of people who have Facebook purely to be nosey and involved with other peoples lives. I like to go through old pics but not to be nosey, just to reminisce or see my friends back in little form. Maybe that's what they're doing

- E M - 05-28-2014 01:49 AM

Facebook is the Devil, Bobby Bouchey!

- Colin - 05-28-2014 02:00 AM

You know that there are ways you avoid this, right? Just change some of your privacy settings.

- Angeleyes - 05-28-2014 02:05 AM

People have sad lives, they have nothing else to do. If you don't people knowing your business change your settings to private.

- Don - 05-28-2014 02:20 AM


- Stephanie - 05-28-2014 02:21 AM

people are nosey because they don't have anything better to do