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should I sweat this or just let it go? - Printable Version

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should I sweat this or just let it go? - DiamondPrincess20 - 05-28-2014 04:11 AM

I will admit it I was doing a little instagram stalking(lookin at my hubby ex wife page). I came across a pic with the description "I wish my HUSBAND ...... were here to help me take this wood home (she used his first initial and last name. I automatically got heated but can't really say anythin because Im snooping. I did show my husband (he kinda laughed it off)and asked him have they spoken since we been together as well as if they r really divorced. He replied tht he hasn't spoke to her and tht they r indeed divorced. I cnt seem to figure out why she would post something in tht manner, considering they been divorces since 2008 and hadnt spoken since 2009-10. What do yal think? AlSo they DO NOT have any children together. I just started following her today, and she made this post about 3months ago.(so what motive does she really have?)

- Suzy Q - 05-28-2014 04:16 AM

You could confront her and tell her that someone told you they saw it, so you confirmed it by looking at her instagram. I'd be pissed if my husband's ex was calling him her husband. Thankfully, he doesn't have one.

- Michelle - 05-28-2014 04:24 AM

Instagram stalking is for overprotective parents, insecure girlfriends, and bored teenagers. What are your motives for looking at her page? The post was 3 months ago which is hard snooping. You're an adult, I'd let it go. I'd also atop looking at her account. If you can say youre happily married, then theres nothing to worry about. If not, I think there may be other reasons besides an instagram post.

- yo yo yo - 05-28-2014 04:35 AM

Well you want them more when you cant have them.. thats whats happening here..

Could be just harmless, but you could do something spectacular and see if your hubby wants to have a threesome.. this way you are involved and know exactly what is happeing and you can have some say in the situation.

Go on start hatin'..

- Kizza - 05-28-2014 04:45 AM

He's married to you isn't he? You should trust your husband. Accusing him of being up to something with his ex wife is a sure way of losing him.

- Linda - 05-28-2014 04:55 AM

I don't know. Maybe she missed him and also missed that he used to be a big help around the house. Firewood is heavy and there is sometimes that you just need a man's help to do things that are too large for most women, unless they get help. I would not make too big a deal of it unless she keeps posting stuff like that.