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Husband of 6 months has had the wife discontinue her website and create a new facebook profile.Why ? - Printable Version

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Husband of 6 months has had the wife discontinue her website and create a new facebook profile.Why ? - Zenoba - 05-28-2014 04:29 AM

She is a make up artist and had a website for her services. Six months into the marriage the website of her is gone, though she continues to live in the same city post marriage. Hers it is a second for him it is the third marriage.

Also, her previous fb profile deleted and a new one post marriage created.

Yes he is about 14 years older and way too rich.

Her new profile setting is on public and her new married life is on full overseas travel and the designer life et al.

What would you think of such a marriage ?

Ok I dont need - mind-your-own-business interpretations.
there is a genuine reason why I ask. Dont presume nosiness here .

- Bam - 05-28-2014 04:32 AM

I'm not nosy. It isn't mine or your business.

- Pick This - 05-28-2014 04:48 AM

I think it's weird that you just assume her husband had anything to do with the change in the website. It's much more likely that she changed it entirely on her own.

- sewgoodmama - 05-28-2014 04:50 AM

He's controlling her.