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what blog site should I use? - Printable Version

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what blog site should I use? - Amanda - 05-28-2014 05:35 AM

I want to blog, and even started a blogger, but I'm thinking maybe I should switch to tumbr. What does everyone recommend?

- SMT - 05-28-2014 05:36 AM

It depends on the purpose behind blogging. If you want to switch to tumblr, better stick with blogger due to its variety of features and can be handled by newbies.

- Timothy - 05-28-2014 05:39 AM

Use blogspot. It is the most professional blog site (IMV0 but you will have less interaction with your audience because not many people have blogger accounts. If you want fame then you can go to tumblr but their interface is really messy and unorganised (IMV) [it has a teenage feel to it]. But if you wanna make professional and distinguished posts then go for blogspot. I suggest you look at both of them in detail and find out what they really have to offer before making your decision. Goodluck with your blog.

- Lena - 05-28-2014 05:44 AM

I totally would recommend Tumblr! I have one, and I love it so much! Their, you can share ANYTHING and people won't judge you. It's quite a unique place to blog.

- Marieanne - 05-28-2014 05:59 AM

Hi Amanda,

I would recommend you to stay away from free blogs, since you are at the mercy of the company and if they decide they no longer want to do business with you they can delete your account whenever they want. If your blog grows into something big then you would lose everything if anything bad happens to Blogger or Tumblr. I would buy a domain from Namecheap and install Wordpress on a private hosting account.

the problem with web hosting is that all reviews and recommendations you find around including the ones on sites such as and are paid. The hosts actually pay the webmasters a commission or fixed fee to get listed in their list of "recommended sites". Many hosts gain a great reputation because they pay a lot for this type of advertising, and whichever review site you come across, you find their name on it. People start thinking that the host is awesome and spread the word. The truth is that those kind of hosts are actually the worst you can subscribe to.

I jumped from one to another for weeks, trying their crappy services and requesting a refund each time (which you should for every host that doesn't deliver). Then I came across a forum called Web Hosting Talk through a Google search and the users there explained what is going on. Advertising hosts on WHT is prohibited, but I came across in one of the posts, which had reviews that actually gave out information on the speed and uptime of the hosts. You will notice that the most popular ones got the worst responses. I took a ride with one of the free trial offers and so far so good.