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Girlfriend still has pictures of ex-boyfriends on Facebook. Ladies advice please? - Printable Version

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Girlfriend still has pictures of ex-boyfriends on Facebook. Ladies advice please? - 025 - 05-28-2014 07:03 AM

I've been dating this lady for a few months now. She's great. We get along. Well recently her phone got disconnected, so we have been communicating through Facebook. I was looking at her pictures on Facebook and she's got a pile. A full album of her and her ex-boyfriend from last year. It gets worse. There is another separate album to another ex-boyfriend.

I never asked her to remove them. I just said nicely that it makes me a little uncomfortable. After I said this she got extremely defensive and said "It's my life, It's a part of my life. I've got nothing to hide". I asked if she was seeing these guys or still talking to them. She just said nope. She said "It was a long time ago, I hate these guys now. You're the only man and love in my life now, but I still think of them of coarse".

So ladies, my question is: If she hates these guys and it was a year ago, Why does she still have those pictures on her Facebook account? Why did she get defensive? Is she lying? Is she going to cheat on me?

I hate to sound judgmental and a jerk, But this whole thing just sends off a bunch of red flags. I can't sleep easy at night knowing she thinks of these men. This is a real sincere question and I'd like to personally thank everyone for their answers and support.

What should I do?

- Stacy - 05-28-2014 07:08 AM

She is just being dumb! If she really cares about you and loves you and not those other guys she should delete those pictures or at least crop them out of them. A lot of sluts do this.. its just stupid . she need to move on and get rid of them! either go onto her account and delete them all and see how she reacts or just dump the hoe

- Fannes - 05-28-2014 07:09 AM

We'll I'm a girl , and in my opinion I would get pissed af if I see my bf having pictures of there ex because that would make me think that he still cares about them ... And probably your girl still cares , she wouldn't cheat on you I dnt think so but like I know how you feel , just Tlk to her good and tell her things straight up.

- Maria S - 05-28-2014 07:13 AM

Ok. Us ladies can be silly at times!

Whether she has the pictures on fb or not, I can assure she's thinking about them every so often. Things come up during the day that remind her of this or that. That doesn't mean she doesn't care for you though.

What is a bit confusing is IF she hates these people, doesn't matter if they're female/male,etc., why does she have the pictures on FB? Are the pictures of places she's been or something particularly interesting going on in the background? If so, I can understand that however if they're not, then that's confusing....

My advice: I would not bring these up again. Date a month or two more and decide if this woman is the love of your life and proceed from there.

And wanted to add something else even though you didn't guess is this woman has an explosive personality. So you may want to think about that......