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Facebook or MySpace ? - Printable Version

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Facebook or MySpace ? - High Flyer - 05-28-2014 10:20 AM

Which do you prefer? Facebook or MySpace? Which do you prefer and why?

Trying to figure out which one I should concentrate on more often and develop it.

- Ani - 05-28-2014 10:22 AM


- kitty_92101 - 05-28-2014 10:29 AM

facebook 100%.. myspace seems to be full of creeeeeeeps.. facebook is much better as far at networking and things like that.

- kerrie - 05-28-2014 10:31 AM

facebook- simple but its addictive to me lol :#

- azn_girl :) - 05-28-2014 10:41 AM

facebook ftw

1. completely safe cuz they make you go into a school network

2. easier to use and it's better

3. much easier to connect with old friends after high school

4. there aren't as much creepers on facebook

5. it's just overall better and safer

- lilmixedperson - 05-28-2014 10:57 AM

Facebook is safer and has really good applications better than myspace and you can meet old friends from high school and stuff, and has a school network. (they have a app where you can add music to your profile btw)

Myspace has weirdos and perverts, but you get to design your profile and its fun.
(btw facebook has some weirdos too)

- darksun pro - 05-28-2014 10:58 AM

Well there is a huge difference between the 2. I have both;

Myspace is a lot easier to learn. You can also customize your profile to just about anything to make it the way you like it. You can even add music to your profile or listen to your favorite music for free. People would say myspace has weirdos but thats the same with Facebook if you add anyone you don't know as your friend.

With Facebook, It is a little tricky to learn at first but after a few weeks you'll get the hang of things. But with facebook Everyone has the same profile and you can't have any music. Although with Facebook you can link just about any site to your facebook and share more things with people. Myspace is working on doing that, It's just they are slow to respond to what people want.

I love them both, and I use both as some friends of mine have One or the other. Try them both and see which you like better. Both are great in their own way.

- Mr S - 05-28-2014 11:09 AM

whichever one has your friends on it duhbrain

- charm_k - 05-28-2014 11:15 AM

Facebook contains fun and interactive games that allow you to play with facebook friends.

Check out the source to find out why?

- ▁ Thia ▁ - 05-28-2014 11:26 AM

± Facebook,-