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How much does a website getting 150,000 hits/month make in revenue? - Printable Version

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How much does a website getting 150,000 hits/month make in revenue? - willy d - 05-28-2014 10:25 AM

I was wondering how much a website getting about 150k in traffic each month make in advertising revenue, etc.? It would be about 1.8 hits a year.

- Mitch - 05-28-2014 10:29 AM

It depends how much the companies being advertised were paying. For the argument's sake, let's say in total for each view you were getting payed 1 cent. That's 0.01 x 1,800,000 = $18000 annually. Minus your tax would be your answer. For example, if you were paying 30 cents tax, it would be 0.70 x 18000 = $12600 annually.
This is probably no where near accurate, but this is the maths you use to find out. Hope this helps. Smile