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How can you get internet on your cell phone without a wifi connection? - Printable Version

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How can you get internet on your cell phone without a wifi connection? - Denise D - 05-28-2014 12:49 PM

My husband just bought a new Net 10 wireless phone with unlimited talk, text and data. I set it up for him but can't get an internet connection without using wifi. On my phone (and I don't remember how I got there) there was a place that said "allow data when no wifi is available" I can't find it now and don't know where to find it on the phone. Can someone help? Thank you.

- Sni9er - 05-28-2014 12:52 PM

you need to speak with your Telephone provider and get them to send a configuration file for the phone which will include WAP/DATA access details for the handset

- Android Core - 05-28-2014 12:57 PM

If this is an android phone, try Settings>data>mobile data ON (needed for WIFI and cellular data)

also make sure its enabled (needed for cellular data only)... Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile Network settings> Data enabled ON

if it still wont work.... and you truely got a Net10 card with unlimited data as part of the price...... then call Net10 to see why the phone wont get on the internet