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DeepWeb and OnionChan? - Printable Version

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DeepWeb and OnionChan? - Thomas - 05-28-2014 12:56 PM

So Ive been doing research on the DeepWeb and Ive came accross a few websites and this one called OnionChan keeps poping up, I know you need the Tor browser so see it but Im not gonna do that cos apparently you can get in trouble for doing so, So I was wondering what it was?
I dont plan on buying anything or even really going on there, its just part of an ICT project

- Skillz - 05-28-2014 12:59 PM

It is a message board that forces people to remain anonymous. It's probably only useful for perverts trading illegal porn or people trying to buy drugs from cops. If you plan on buying something from a Tor network vendor, it's obviously illegal. Know that the vendor will keep a list with your shipping address on it, and use that as a bargaining chip if the police ever put him in a jam.