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How to convert my USB internet connection into WiFi? - Printable Version

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How to convert my USB internet connection into WiFi? - gulreyz - 05-28-2014 01:35 PM

I have internet connection but from USB device that i connect to pc and then use dial up connection and connects internet but now i want to make it wifi so that more then one pc can connect, it there any option like connecting a WiFi modem in between computer and USB or something that can work.
Really need help.
Thanks a lot.

- Lee - 05-28-2014 01:42 PM

You can make it easily by the just following steps....
1. Make sure you have a laptop or a computer with wireless adapter, the Internet connection to laptop could be wired or wireless.
2. Go download a software to help create the hotspot. Virtual Wifi Hotspot is recommended, as it's free and it works on Windows XP, Vista, 2008, 7 and 8.
3. Install the software as suggested and launch it.
4. Select a security connected mode. AdHoc-OPEN means other devices don't need password to connect to the hotspot you created; AdHoc-WEP only allows connection with password.
5. Click "Start Hotspot" and then the virtual WiFi hotspot created.
6. Get other devices like laptop, smartphone, iPhone, iPod Touch, PDA, Wii, NDS etc. connected to this hotspot you just created.
7. Share the free Internet connection with your family, friends or co-workers in places like home, meeting rooms, hotels, coffee shops, campus etc.

- Martin - 05-28-2014 01:44 PM

You should get a router liket this:
You can plug in your usb, then configure your router (type in your browser: to automatically dial up, then go to Wireless - Wireless settings to create wifi hotspot and at Wireless Security you can change the password for it.

- Sam - 05-28-2014 01:48 PM

A wireless hotspot enables a computer to serve as a router over Wi-Fi. Ubuntu lets you easily create a wireless hotspot by using the Network Manager, but it uses an ad hoc network and most Android and Windows Phone devices can't connect to such networks.
more info can go there
and a another way
you can do hot spot by your laptop like that

- perryinjax - 05-28-2014 02:01 PM

You need one of these, depending one what type of wifi router you own- That will determine if you need a type "N" or "G", etc..
Look at your wifi router and then buy the correct usb adapter that goes with that wifi router;
BTW- If you are still using DIALUP; (poor dear, my heart goes out to you, you have the patience of Job) then I would take the money you want to spend on usb equipment and spend it on high speed broadband internet instead, just sayin' :-P

- Ashad - 05-28-2014 02:10 PM

You can wifi create on your computer . Just you can download connectify software and then install ....
search torrent site ....